
Natural help for Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition where tissue, similar to the lining of the uterus (Endometrial cells, which should only be located inside the uterus) is found elsewhere in the body. Endometrial cells are the same cells that are shed each month during menstruation. The cells of endometriosis attach themselves to tissue outside the uterus and are called endometriosis implants.

Endometriosis implants or lesions can be found anywhere on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, on the pelvic sidewall, or outer surface of the uterus or intestines. It is less commonly found in the vagina, cervix, and bladder. In rare cases, it is found outside the pelvis, on the liver, old surgery scars, and even on the lungs or brain. While endometriosis can cause problems, they are benign. (not cancerous)

Endometriosis can cause scar tissue and adhesions to develop, that can distort a woman’s internal anatomy. In advanced stages, internal organs may fuse together, causing a condition known as a "frozen pelvis."

The main cause is still unknown. The following are theories involved:

Natural Help:
For any Natural Help, give your body 1 month to heal for every year you have had a problem.

Clary Sage can help with homone imbalance. 1-2 drops on inside of ankle, 1x daily.
Eucalyptus radiata can ease inflammation from endotrometriosis.
Lavender helps with cellular regeneration and scar tissue with fibroids.
Cypress helps with circulation.
Frankincense helps with any cancer causing cells...for safety precautions.

Use any of the following recipes to help and to relieve discomfort:
CAUTION: Always conduct a patch test and use Carrier Oil before Implanting Any Essential Oil.

Endometriosis Recipes:
For any of the following recipes, purchase tampons with the plastic applicator (Kotex), then it's easier to pull the cotton tampon out. Soak the tampon in the oil mixture (Not sopping wet, just coated well...you don't want it to start swelling), place the tampon back into the plastic applicator, and then insert it vaginally, then leave in overnight. This is an easier way than trying a douche method. Overnight, the body will naturally soak up what is on the cotton tampon. The best time to start inserting the tampon, with the oil mixture; is right after your menstrual flow ends. Insert each night for 3 weeks or until your next period begins.

  Recipe 1:
Recipe 2:
Recipe 3:
Endometriosis; Bladder Disease recipe:
Put the following oils in a mixture of 1oz. Carrier oil:
